The World According to YodaBeesh

Saturday, March 26, 2005

No good will come of this....

In today's Washington Post:

Also Friday, the FBI said a North Carolina man, Richard Alan Meywes, was arrested for allegedly placing a $250,000 bounty "on the head of Michael Schiavo" and offering a $50,000 reward to kill the judge who ruled against the Schindlers, though the judge was not identified. Another arrest was made in Seminole, Fla., after police said a man robbed a gun store late Thursday as part of an attempt to "rescue Terri Schiavo."

My prediction: this is NOT going to end well...

The Passion of Terri...?

Ok, so this morning, here I am sipping my first cup of coffee with CNN playing in the background and of course, they are talking about Terri (guess she's still alive).

Anyhow, they were interviewing Br. Paul O'Donnell from the Brothers of Peace in MN, and he started making these analogies of this situation to when Jesus was crucified, and Mary had to watch. He made other references to the US courts acting like the Pharisees, etc... I think most of you may remember the story from Catholic School, CCD or church... or at least saw Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ.

It really turned my stomach to hear these analogies. I was raised a Catholic; went to Catholic School from grade school all the way to undergrad. Grad school was the first "non-Catholic" environment in which I was educated. And I'm a Gay Catholic, or as I like to put it, a Gay "recovering Catholic". Its very odd timing, but I can remember that I stopped attending church after 9/11.

After listening to this morning's interview with Br. Paul, I could feel the Catholic indoctrination kicking in: I felt guilty and nauseous. Yet, I also am very aware: this is a huge act of desperation and it is extremely crafty and manipulative. The story of the Passion of Christ (yes, I still remember all the terms and details from my education), is very deeply engrained within me. As a Catholic we know of the suffering of Mary. Now we get to watch it on TV.

I just turned the TV off. I'm emotionally tired and drained of this debacle. Maybe part of it is "out of sight, out of mind". Who knows. But comparing this entire situation to the Passion of Christ is definitely a very LOW BLOW. I'm not sure that the Lord would really appreciate the manipulation of the original message to fit the desperate measures of the extreme right.

Ugh, we're all gonna go to hell I suppose. Well, except for Terri. She'll be ok.


Hey peeps... just a gentle reminder that DST is NEXT WEEKEND. Remember to set your clocks forward before you go to bed on April 3rd by one hour (starting actually at 2AM on Apr 4th). Or better yet, let's go out next Saturday night and stay out an hour later!

Check out this site and read more about why we Spring Forward and Fall Back. (Yes I stole the clock pic from their website...)

Shit box of the week: Zimbabwe

A recent travel ad I saw for Zimbabwe:
Come! Visit Zimbabwe: we are the Land of Victoria Falls, withered farmlands, high inflation, and no petrol! Please disregard our human rights violations, persecution of homosexuals, lack of white people (we drove them all out last year) and elimination of free press, but most importantly, ENJOY YOUR STAY!

(I wake up at 2:10 AM, and so what do I do? Read world affairs.)

So, I saw this article on "elections" occurring in Zimbabwe in the WP. Check out the opposition candidate's pic now because I betcha he ain't gonna be around much longer:

Elections (they use the term so loosely in the third world these days) occur this Thursday so mark your calendars. I betcha that Moyo doesn't make it til then.

I wonder who would go first... Moyo or Terri Schaivo? Hmmm...

Anyhow, some fast facts about Zimbabwe:
  • Formerly known as Rhodesia until 1980 when the blacks overthrew the white man!
  • Ruled by way-harsh dictator Richard Mugabe (hates homos, free press... oh and opposition)
  • Located in Southern Africa and the capital is Harare
  • Airport code for Harare is HRE, and you can get flights there from IAD (Dulles/DC) on a large number of airlines (NW, KLM, Lufthansa, British Airways) starting at $1144 USD!
Definitely a place to keep an eye on for great deals!

(Wow...I would so be arrested if I were in any other country besides the US. God Bless America and Free Speech!)

Friday, March 25, 2005

Due to popular demand...

... I have posted pics of my new Volvo for all to see. I had to gray out the license plate for fear of retribution due to my leftist postings. Click on any of the below links:

Volvo 1
Volvo 2
Volvo 3
Volvo 4

Jon Stewart: A true sociologist

I love Jon Stewart because he says what others are afraid to say. Its kind of sad that The Daily Show is becoming the most reliable source of news these days.
These vid clips are SOOOO good, click here and check them out on

Dummies Guide to Living Wills

If we've learned anything from the Terri Schaivo case, its COVER YOUR ASS. Get a Living Will. DH and I did that last month. Prior to that, we had nothing. Our advisor even told us that you could literally write down your wishes on a piece of paper and take it to the local notary, get it notarized (you'll prob need two people to witness, but any nearby innocent bystanders would do), and -BAM- your very own living will! Oh, and don't forget to state your advanced directives (DNR, keep me on a feeding tube, blahblahblah, etc...)

You can go to and do a search for "wills". If you click on that link, it will take you directly to the wills section. You'll find all the forms you'll need for 7 bucks. Then you figure a notary is what... $10? $12? Go protect yourself and your interests for less than 20 bucks!

thank GOD its FRIDAY.

Me, agreeing with MICHELLE MALKIN?!?

I came across a WP interview and column of conservative (FILIPINO) Michelle Malkin regarding Main Stream Media's (or as she refers to the establishment "MSM") skewed and biased reporting of the Terri Schaivo case. I have to agree with her that the reporting is abysmal and biased.

Here's a link to Michelle's article: The MSM's life and death distortions
Here's a link to her WP interview: Political Players with Terry Neal: Michelle Malkin

Last night, I watched a v. good A&E documentary on this case which showed MORE video than the clips that are repeated ad nauseum by MSM (If I can find them online, I will post the clips). There was extensive video of Terri being non-responsive to repetitive commands (the individual was pretty much yelling "Terri, Terri,..." over and over again, and she did not respond). You can check out the details on the A&E website here: Between Life and Death: The Terry Schaivo Story. It says its not playing again, but given the general tendencies of cable TV, I'm sure it will repeat. Set that TiVO!

Oh, so anyhow, I tend to disagree with Michelle Malkin 99% of the time, and 99% of the time, she annoys the hell out of me with her extremist views. (I can't believe she's a filipino sometimes, but I digress). This is the %1 of the time that I do agree with her.

Ciao baby.

Commentary re. Terri Schaivo

I've been doing this now for 5 days (blogging) and I've already drawn criticism about my views. A response to an earlier posting prompted this feedback from someone:

Anonymous said...
I am appalled by what you have listed on this "site". I had a beautiful little sister that was in a vegetative state. She could laugh, she smile, she would let you know what she liked and did not like. She was born this way. She did not ask for it. My sister survived off a feeding tube for ten years. Ultimately she died from complications of pneumonia.

People like you think she had no reason to live. She was a blessing and touched many lives. In fact she is THE reason doctors know how to successfully treat bicycle seizures. You are probably not familiar with bicycle seizures - they kill. There is no way around it. My parents were told that if my sister ever had one, that it would kill her - no way around it - just let her go. When my sister had one at age 10, my parents - frantic, realized she was getting no oxygen. My father (a sufferer of black lung) gave my sister pure oxygen within the first 30 seconds of the seizure - she came out of it immediately. This simple discovery is used world wide to save others (severely and not severely ill). So tell me, was her life meaningless?

I teach severely disabled children, some cannot communicate and need assistance eating. They can't tell me they want to live - should they be denied food? Keep in mind that this woman was denied all means of rehabilitative service. If she had received what every human being deserves, a chance, Terri could have been a very different woman today.The way you talk about this woman is sick. I feel pity for you. You speak on issues with which you have absolutely no experience. 5:44 PM


Wow... where do I begin. First off I do not hate Terri nor despise her. Rather, I do care for her, which is why I want to see her suffering over. This caring is covered up by the cynicism of my blog entries. What I DO hate is the exploitation and abuse of the media, the judicial system, and the Federal and Legislative branches of our government. There are groups out there that are taking advantage of and benefiting from this situation. This story has done nothing but exploit her situation and overcomplicate, perhaps cloud the judgement of the American people (thanks, media).

So, let's take a step back to simplify matters, and remove everyone else from the equation; let's focus on the POVs of three entities (Terri, her parents, and her husband Michael Schaivo) and apply them to our own feelings and beliefs. We also need to take a 4th POV which is the interpretation of the Rule of Law.

I am very sorry about your sister. Your parents were her legal guardians and made decisions on her behalf in what they felt were her best interests, and apparently she thrived until she met her demise. Those were the rights of your parents. If I am correct, if you were over the age of 18 at the time and your parents were unable to execute their roles as her legal guardians, then you would be next in line. And then you would do what you feel is best for your sister. And I respect the decisions of your family.

Those same basic laws apply to the Schaivo case. The husband is the first-in-line legal guardian, the parents would be the second. I do not care if he is "with" another woman right now (not married) and has other children with her. That has nothing to do with this case. It is fluff that detracts from the pure facts of this case. This is a case of a husband, a wife, and her dying wishes being fulfilled.

You claim that she received no rehabilitative therapy. You are wrong. As a familial unit (Michael and the parents), they provided and afforded as much therapy as possible for Terri. Michael Schaivo became a registered nurse and respiratory therapist in order to be directly involved with Terri's care and treatment. It sounds like you have a college degree, and may agree with me that pursuing an undergraduate or grad degree is a taxing yet fulfilling endeavor. This is a huge testament to his love and devotion to her. Sure, she did not have a DNR or advanced directives laid out on paper and notarized. Sure, he tried to rehabilitate her as much as possible even though later he admitted that her wishes were to not be hooked up like this. He was self-admittedly selfish and wanted her to live. But now, all routes have been exhausted in terms of rehabilitation by him and by the family. She has been kept alive for the past few years basically out of legal wrangling or else she would have been dead already.

Are you married? I am "married" in the non-traditional sense (I'm gay) to my partner. He and I have in place our Living Wills and advanced directives in order to circumnavigate any complications should this type of situation arise. I love him and trust him so much that I am willing to put my life in his hands above those of my family and friends. I have made the conscious decision and proclaimed through our Canadian marriage that this is the person who knows what is best for me. That is the sanctity of our marriage. To reinforce that fact, we have all of our intentions and wishes documented and notarized by the Commonwealth of Virginia. I'll assume that you are married. I hope that you have the same faith and trust in your husband to execute your wishes. Whatever state you married in has recognized your husband in as much the same way (legalistically) and has bestowed upon him the right of legal guardian.

This is the same right afforded Michael Schaivo.

Now, regarding any dispute of Terri's wishes: because of the "sanctity of marriage" and the rights afforded marital status, we must trust Michael Schaivo to do what Terri believed and requested. He is her husband and legal guardian. As such, he is working completely within the Rule of Law. His rights supercede those of the parents.

Regarding the parents: I feel very badly for them. I know what it is like to watch a family member who was once filled with so much joy and vibrance to wither away to a shell of a person. My aunt is currently in the advanced stages of Alzheimer's Disease. And yes, she is on a feeding tube because the muscles and nerves in her mouth and esophagus have literally forgotten how to eat. CAT & PET scans reveal that her brain is liquifying. She is present and alive as a physical entity; the aunt that I once new and loved died a long time ago in my mind. I've grieved for that loss and now have moved on. All that is left is literally a warm fleshy shell of a person, laid out on a bed, with a feeding tube. Very soon her own autonomic system will betray her, and she will be unable to breathe any longer. I want what's best for her, and that is for my aunt to be with God and escape the confines of her decaying shell. That is my experience.

I want Terri to escape this suffering and to be with God because that is what she deserves after having suffered for the past 15 years. And yes, I'm sure there will be hell to pay, but so be it. This is not about what the husband deserves nor what the parents deserve. This is about a woman who made her wishes known; she deserves to have those wishes fulfilled and respected.

I do not know the children that you teach, but I wish I did. I would rather know you and your students as individuals so that I can understand where you are coming from. I can't do that through CNN, FOX, or MSNBC. This I do know: each one of them are special individuals with special individualized needs. It is unfair to make a blanket judgement on the entire class as to whether they should live or die. I would think that St. Peter, as an agent of our Lord, at the gates of Heaven evaluates each individual as an individual and not against some standard blanket benchmark laid down by man.

The laws of the land provide the structure and framework within we live and function as a society. This is a system not to be abused by politicians, Congress, the Executive Branch, state governments, and extremists. We must review and analyze each situation individually and work within the framework that we have set for ourselves. These laws did not magicaly appear. There is not a grocery list of laws. Laws and policies are created by legislators who represent us. We have our beliefs and values, and we elect our legislators in a democratic society. The are our voice, and laws and policies are products of our voices. The legislators should serve as our representatives and messengers, not as our parents.

One final observation I'd like to make: Terri's family, and many other people out there want her to live. Let's ask, "why do they want her to live?" What feelings, desires, needs within each of THOSE individuals (and even within ourselves) does Terri's life or death fulfill. Terri's mom and dad want her to live because I feel that it is in the primal nature of parents to want what is best for their child; the Schindlers are expressing this to an extreme point of desperation. What feeds and nourishes their souls out of this? A relief of guilt?

As for Michael Schaivo, don't judge him by his calmness or what some may perceive as aloofness on camera. He suffered a major loss 15 years ago. He has gone through the stages of grief, has come to acceptance, and is ready to let go and fulfill Terri's wishes.

I would welcome any constructive responses and feedback.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Closing one chapter and starting another...

So its official: I dumped the Audi at the Volvo dealership and took my S40 home. KK even asked me if I missed the Audi, to which I replied: "Hardly... I even took the goddamn floormats..." (they were those heavy-duty mud mats). In retrospect, they don't really match the S40 interior, so f**k it.

I'm a spoiled little b*tch (surprise): I have to go back to have the rear Park Assist installed. It has serrusly improved my parallel parking in the city! When you put the car in reverse it starts making beeping noises in relation to the distance of whatever you're about to hit (another car, a bike, a kid... whatever).

Ok... no more car postings. Well, 'til the next crisis I suppose. I just have had the worst luck with cars.

Exotic vacation destinations: KYRGYZSTAN

Many of you out there know that DH and I love going to off-the-wall places and travelling. Well here's one spot that we will most likely NOT be going to anytime soon: Kyrgyzstan.

Just when I thought I had all the "'stans" down, I forget about this little shithole nestled in Central Asia. Apparently there's some revolution going on as we speak and their president has fled the country. What a fucking surprise, right?

It would really suck to be a tourist stuck in Bishkek (that's the capitol). Here's a map for point of reference:

Now, I'll let you in on a guilty pleasure of mine. I like to check on Travelocity to see how I'd get to these buttf**k places (just for pure shits and giggles). Apparently you can get flights out of Dulles on Aeroflot Russian Airlines to Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan (note: the airport code is FRU) anywhere between $800 - $1000! What a bargain! Plus I think you can still smoke on Aeroflot. Then I like to do a search for their Department of Tourism, etc. I was only able to find tourist tips from and here's what they have to say:

Though most visits to the country are hassle-free, foreigners are sometimes targeted in conflict between government forces and militants in areas south and west of Osh, and in the Ferghana Valley. There are landmines in the Batken Oblast region and along the border with Uzbekistan. (Lonely Planet)

It also mentions somewhere that they have really cool skiing there (Its known as "The Alps of Central Asia"). I guess the landmines would make it a little more challenging.

That's your geography lesson for the day!

Look what I learned in college...!

For all of you who have had Psych 101, maybe you remember the stages of grief? Or the Grief Cycle. Here, I'll jog your memory. According to Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, whenever you have a loss (no matter how large or small) in your life you "grieve" and go through the following stages:

Shock stage: Initial paralysis at hearing the bad news.
Denial stage: Trying to avoid the inevitable.
Anger stage: Frustrated outpouring of bottled-up emotion.
Bargaining stage: Seeking in vain for a way out.
Depression stage: Final realization of the inevitable.
Testing stage: Seeking realistic solutions.
Acceptance stage: Finally finding the way forward.

Here's a lil' game for you. The Terry Schaivo case is just FLOODING the airwaves. You can't change the channel without hearing abt whatever events are transpiring. Anyhow, the newspeeps love interviewing people on the spot. Try to guess what stage of grief they are in! Here's my quick evaluation:

Her parents - denial
Michael Schaivo - acceptance
Right wing nuts - anger
Jeb Bush - Stupidity (oh wait... that's not a stage...)
Terry Schaivo - mmm... I heard her mouth the words "I want to die..." so that puts her in acceptance!

Try it for yourself! And then try it with your friends and family! Definitely a great way to piss people off with some unlicensed psychoanalysis!

Human Finger Found In Fast Food Chili

Before you head out to lunch, you may want to read this...

Human Finger Found In Fast Food Chili

Health authorities in California confirm that a woman bit into a human finger while eating a bowl of chili at a Wendy's Tuesday night. She immediately spit out the finger and warned others to stop eating. Then she got sick.

You know... Wendy's has never been a place I'd actively seek out for a meal. I hope that the owner of the finger is ok.

Terry Update! More smackdowns...

Helllooo... So now the US Supreme Court has put the smack down (for the second time!):

"The Supreme Court on Thursday refused to order Terri Schiavo's feeding tube reinserted, rejecting a desperate appeal by her parents to keep their severely brain-damaged daughter alive." (WP 03242005 ).

Do we not see a pattern here? The courts are NOT going to budge, dumbasses. I have CNN playing in the background and they had some Christian Defense Fund attorney kook, Chris Mahoney literally BEGGING directly to Jeb Bush to intervene. It was almost like he was a televangelist ranting and raving to the camera and BEGGING to Jeb (not the Lord) to intervene. Can I emphasize the desperate BEGGING and PLEADING any more? Reminds me of the good ol' days with Jim and Tammy Faye...

I wonder when the burning bush will appear in Pinellas Park. Doh! I just made a punny!!

The Story of YodaBeesh

And here is how the story goes...

Once upon a time, in a frozen land called Pittsburgh, existed a small kingdom called CMU. This kingdom was ruled by the Beeshes. I can't keep track of the whole royal family, but there is the KweenBeesh, EmpressBeesh, MaddyBeesh, and various others. I was dubbed YodaBeesh years ago by KweenBeesh. Without tooting my own horn, the YodaBeesh moniker is best summarized by a Friendster testimonial recently written by the Kween:

"So, before I write this testimonial, I actually fixed myself a martini, thats how serious I am about writing a kick ass testimonial. So Eddie is like my soulmate, only that he's my mo soulmate. I gave Eddie the ultimate title in the Beesh club...the title known as Yodabeesh (a.k.a the enlightened one). You can't get any better than that. Yodabeesh is straight up and will fuck you up if you mess with him. Trust me, you'll be crying for days. Do not mess with the Yodabeesh. He has more power than the FBI/CIA. In all seriousness, Yodabeesh is one cool dude. He claims to add at least 40% value to your life, but for me its definitely a 100% added value. Yodabeesh was there for me, when I made my move from DC, when I knew no one in a da big apple. He gave me the strength & showed me the light. He's the ultimate guru whether it comes to using state of the art technology or giving the best advice when u need to hear it. I've never doubted u beesh, I heart you, you and Maddybeesh rock my world."

I guess that's a good enough summary.

Hugs and Kisses,

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Car Update! And the winner is.....

Many of you may have read my very first "virgin" posting (so rarely do I use that term)... anyhow I have some new developments.

So's I picked up the Audi from the service shop today, whipped out the ol' credit card (fresh from a trip to NYC), and bent over and grabbed my ankles to take it like a man. Well, actually scratch the latter part.

I was so convinced that I was going to go for a Saab 93. So what did I do today? I spent probably a good 5 hours at the VOLVO dealership. I fell in love with the S40. I didn't even make it to the Saab dealership. Ironically, I only stopped at the Volvo dealer because it was on its way to the Saab dealer; I just wanted to see what all the hub-bub was about the "new S40". Its f**king sharp. I won't bore you with details... just go to They gave me a great trade-in deal for the Audi. Rock on. So I pick it up tomorrow afternoon which gives me some time to get all my crap our of the audi. I think I'll leave all my HRC stickers on there though ;-)

The Big Pink Elephant in the Middle of the Room...

What is it that they say about some big elephant being in a room and no one saying anything about it?

I am really effing annoyed that they keep on repeating these 3 year old video clips of Ms. Terry. No let me rephrase that... I'm annoyed that people are making POLICY DECISIONS based on old videos and statements and claims from family, priests, and doctors (who have never seen her).

Let's just get to the point. Congress, Jeb, and GWB and all you f**kers: cash in your frequent flyer points and GO SEE HER (you guys are so goddamn lazy). I'm sure that if you're able to hold an office in DC, that they may actually give you permission to enter the hospice during visiting hours!

In case you need directions, here is Terry's address:

Woodside Hospice
6774 102nd Avenue N
Pinellas Park, Florida 33782-2909

Plug it into . Its right down the road from the Pinellas Park Shopping Center. Look for all the vigils... ya CAN'T miss it.

Oh, and before you decide you're an "expert" on the right to life/death, go to med school and get your fucking medical degree. And on that note, Frist, you're an ass. Hippocrates is turning in his grave right now.

The SMACK DOWNS continue!

Oh, justice is soooo sweet. As of my previous posting, the 11th Circuit Court had told Congress to shove it and mind their own business (read the opinion!).

Now, only hours later the Florida State Senate has become too paralyzed with fear and indecision to support their man, Jeb. Now I am not saying that they've developed a backbone between now and the last time they shoved the feeding tube back into Terry. They've probably taken a hint from the Dems and decided to play Pontius Pilate and wash their hands of this mess (like the Catholic reference? It is Lent!)

Jeb is a fat dumbass. To Jeb: You're not a physician. You're making policy decisions based on a doctor who has NEVER seen Terry IN PERSON. Look at what you're saying:

"(Jeb) said the physician, William Cheshire, believes that Schiavo's condition may have been misdiagnosed. "It is more likely that she is in a state of minimal consciousness, rather than in a state of -- in a persistent vegetative state," Bush told reporters. "This new information raises serious concerns and warrants immediate action. . . . We're exhausting all executive options. . . .'" (WP 03232005)

Geez Jeb... watch a few episodes of Law and Order sometime. You might get some idea as to HOW you should defend your arguments. Fucking jackass. Why don't you focus on your own Xanax-popping daughter?

Noelle is just CRYING out for attention, Baby. I mean, look at the shenanigans that Jenna and Barbara get into! I'd be SO pissed off if my dad were more concerned about a vegetable than moi. Wouldn't you?

Pass the Xanax.

One Step Closer...!

One step closer to what... well, a number of things really!

1. One step closer to eternal sleep-sleep for Terri
2. One step closer to the establishment of a Christian Taliban in Congress
3. One step closer to the dismantling of the US judicial system (I'm sure).

I'm glad that the 11th Circuit issued a SMACK DOWN. Can I have an Amen?

I love this... from today's WashingtonPost:

"There is no denying the absolute tragedy that has befallen Mrs. Schiavo," Judges Ed Carnes and Frank M. Hull of the appellate court wrote in their 32-page decision. "We all have our own family, our own loved ones, and our own children. However, we are called upon to make a collective, objective decision concerning a question of law. In the end, and no matter how much we wish Mrs. Schiavo had never suffered such a horrible accident, we are a nation of laws, and if we are to continue to be so, the pre-existing and well-established federal law . . . must be applied to her case."

I think I'll start a "Free Terry" campaign. Free her from this mortal coil. Free her family from the obligations of a now-politicized movement. Free her husband of this excruciating battle.

The climate and mood of "everything" is just freakin' WEIRD these days. Weird. Eerie. Portends of bad things to come. Who knows. Does anyone else feel this way too?

BTW... we're so inundated with current PVS pics of Terri that I thought it would be a pleasant change to put in a pre-PVS pic:


Carrie goes Bye Bye from Gap Ads

So Gap decided to replace Carrie with lil' Brit singer Joss Stone. I've heard that JS is pretty good, but I've never heard any of her songs. I hope she doesn't sound like that freak Avril Lavigne (ties are soooo unfashionable on girls, sweetie).

Read on: "Gap is dropping Sarah Jessica Parker for 17-year-old pop star Joss Stone" (WP 032305)

Let me be the first to wish Sarah Jessica Parker happy birthday. The actress, who became a television icon playing sex columnist Carrie Bradshaw in "Sex and the City," turns 40 on Friday. Somebody send her a bunch of red balloons, a la Mr. Big, to mark the occasion.
Her milestone birthday might have passed relatively unnoticed but for the unceremonious dumping by the Gap, which announced Monday that Parker is being replaced by 17-year-old British singer Joss Stone as the clothing company's celebrity spokesmodel.

BTW, I LOVED SJP in Mars Attacks! CLASSIC movie... a must have for anyone who appreciates dark comedies.


Tuesday, March 22, 2005

"Bitch" takes on a new word

RB pointed out this article to me from the NYT. Its pretty funny. I think I have enough Beeshes in my life.

Television's word of the day is bitch, but this is not your mother's bitch. That classic version designates a dog, a hardship, a way of complaining or a spiteful woman, the one whose sharp edge, according to the fearsome sexist double standard, would surely make her a respected surgeon or astronaut if only she were a man. But the new "bitch," in a usage that has become popular on network television, refers not to dogs or women, but to men. And while parody and overuse are taking the misogynistic sting out of the old one, this new bitch is just getting its claws.

Read the full article here: "Epithet Morphs From Bad Girl to Weak Boy" (NYT 03.22.05)

No, I am not following Todd's footsteps

I have actually had three different people joke with me saying that I was following in Todd Moniot's footsteps. Not true. No one could ever follow his footsteps.

Check out his site for yourself:

Now, when you're done reading any of his entries, go to this website:

He's the American Medical Association's poster child for Borderline Personality Disorder. See if any of your friends have similar symptoms! Its good fun!

He once accused me and DH of stealing his Christmas ornaments and his credit cards. What a dumbass. Did I mention to you that he was my big brother in my fraternity Alpha Phi Omega?

All Dressed Up and No Where To Go

Posted by Hello

I feel really bad for her parents. I feel sorry for them. I mean, it is really desperately pathetic that her mom took the time out to do a Joan Jett makeover for Terry. Her mom really does love her in her own special way, I guess (don't all moms?). For the love of GOD, don't make her up just so it looks like she's really alive! The chick has been in PVS for 15 YEARS.

Apparently all the glamour shots and the infamous "eyes following the balloon" video have won Congress over. Oh, and by the way, Mr. & Mrs. Schindler... Terry probably doesn't like it when you blow in her eyes to stimulate an involuntary reaction. How would you like it if I did that to you and talked to you in fucking baby talk?

A Letter from Terry Schaivo

Dear Mommy and Daddy

You're both really pissing me off. Serrusly. Please let me die. Why have you been keeping me like a warm Barbie doll for the past 15 years? I know that Michael has another lover and kids, but we have always had our best interests at heart (we ARE married, you know). And since when did you guys become all political?! If I had real food in my stomach, I would throw up. Here, I'll dribble instead...

Reasons why I want to die:
1. I'm a VEGETABLE. You think that I have movement in my head?! Its called GRAVITY, bitches. The muscles in my neck have atrophied and can't hold up my pretty face.
2. What makes you think that I want to live like this? Geezus... I have a fucking feeding tube in my stomach. Even if you tried to feed me jello, I'd wind up choking on it. My muscles in my urethra and colon have atrophied so now I'm basically a big fleshy SIEVE.
3. What part of Persistant Vegetative State do you NOT fucking understand? Goddamn! My brain is MUSH. I will not be able to read Percy Byshe Shelly anymore. Do you honestly think this I'm happy living like this?! Of course you do.
4. I have NO desire to be the poster child for the GOP, the religious right, or the Right-to-Life people that are always outside with their candles and rosaries and sh*t. Leave me OUT of this. For the love of God, I was a registered DEMOCRAT! Ain't that enough?
5. If I can't FEED myself, don't you see something wrong here with my activities of daily living? HELLLOOOOOO!
6. STOP putting make-up on me! Especially that no smear crap that takes the hospice nurse FOREVER to get off my face. I'm in a HOSPICE, people. This is NOT the Estee Lauder counter at Macy's. Besides, I hate that shade of red lip gloss. Oh, and my hair... it sucks. I am NOT Joan Jett.

Look, get yourselves into therapy and get through your Grief Cycle. You've been stuck on the "denial stage" for the past 15 years. It'll be easier for you to finish the grieving process once I'm with Jesus (and six feet under). You can continue your 15 minutes of fame at the next GOP convention .

I love you both dearly, and I know that you are looking out for what you perceive to be my best interests, but really, you gotta let go. I am so sick of being a case study for medical ethicists.


Monday, March 21, 2005

YodaBeesh's Car-Identity Issues

I have car-identity issues. See, my problem is that I need to be unique. Eccentric. Difficult. (I wish they still made Peugeot here in the US.) Everyone else had Atari 2600 when I was growing up. NOOOOOOO.....I had to get a fucking Oddysey 2 with game cartridges and be the only one that could play such fantastic games as "KC Munchkin".

DH said I should think abt an MB C240. I'm scared of getting an MB. Like I'm not worthy. I have these weird stereotypes about cars and their owners. Here's my rundown of stereotypes:

Acura: Rice rocket. Why do asians and latinos always have to pimp out their fucking<insert jap/korean car manufacturer name here> cars?

Honda: "fucking boring". My sister's driving instructor once told her that FOBsters ("fresh-off-the-boat") tend to buy Hondas or Toyotas because they are so prolific throughout the third world. They stick with what they know... and I ain't gonna drive a CAMRY.

Lexus: I'm going to be STR8 UP here. I usually see some black man or woman rolling in one of these vehicles. So I think to myself, "wow, someone came across some money really quickly... and had to fucking blow it on their RIDE"

Beemer: conformist and boring. I think that people with Beemers only do it in the missionary position. Everyone in my neighborhood has a fucking Beemer 3-series or an X5. Since when did they go down in price? Plus they are all either silver or black, so I guess they ran out of paint selection at the beemer factory in Bavaria.

MB: (see my abv comments abt lexus). Plus, I associate MBs with old filipino doctors. I never made it to med school (failed expectations)

Jag: What is up with everyone getting Jags? They look like a Ford Taurus from behind. Reserved for the nouveau riche. I really like the back-up sensors on the bumpers! And WHY do I always see them in that SEA FOAM GREEN color?!

Volvo: Soccer practice. Except for DTB's C70. Great for crash-test dummies.

Infiniti: usually owned by some asian with diplomatic plates; can be found looking for a parking spot at Tysons Corner Mall.

Hummers: I am CONVINCED that inadequate people buy these vehicles. Particularly small-dicked males having a mid-life crisis.

DH suggested that I look at Chryslers (he really wants a 300); but I just have issues with American cars. I mean, can you guys really see ME (and I'm just talking me here) behind the wheel of a Buick or a Ford Taurus? I think not. When I think American cars, I automatically think of crash test dummies.

I think I'm leaning towards a Saab 93. I dunno. I've only seen one other Saab on our block. I can hear the neighbors now: "Oh yeah, there goes Ed, the one with that sharp saab!" Or they probably refer to me as "the fag on the block with so much disposable income that he has to buy a car every year @#$%$@%$#@%". Anyhow, DH and I test drove a 93 convertible the last time the Audi was in the shop (I was acting out by test driving cars). I have to admit that I looked really good in it.

I'll keep you all posted on the car situation. As for now, I am CAR-LESS.

The Virgin Posting: Why I Feel Betrayed by Audi

So I was up in NYC for the weekend with my partner DH to check out some plays, do a little partying. Great time. Last night we hit the road with a couple of friends and headed back home. I did the driving in my 2000 Audi A6. (if the brand-name dropping sounded pretentious, it wasn't meant to be). We were all cruising home full throttle on I-95 back to DC when all of a sudden the car starts losing power. Lights start dimming. Warning lights go off. I felt like I was in Apollo-fucking-13. So I veer over to the inside shoulder of the highway (we were in buttf**k MD at this point in our journey) and let the car come to a rest. That's where the evening started turning interesting.... this was around 7:00pm, dark, traffic swooshing by. I felt so betrayed by my vehicle. I didn't HATE it, I felt verrrry disappointed and hurt by it. I'll get more into this later.

A state trooper pulled over and was kind enough to call a tow truck for us. It showed up in "tow-truck-time", if you catch my drift. Anyhow, the car was towed to the beautiful rest stop known as Maryland House. The greaser at the Sunoco station pretty much validated that the alternator was blown. So, M calls AAA for our next tow... we are now 80 miles from home. To make a long story short, AAA sends this tow guy, Roy, to take us all the way back to VA. He would tow us to the Audi dealership so I could dump the car off there for repairs (actually what I really wanted to do was to pack the vehicle with C4 and drive it into Audi headquarters, but I digress).

(sidenote: Roy looked like the stereotypical tow-truck guy: fat, greasy, shoulda been lugging around a 6-pack of Pabst Blue Ribbon. He wore a baseball cap with the confederate flag on it. I don't exactly think that he picked up on the fact that he was going to be driving 4 gay men back to VA. We all got a lovely view of his stinking butt-crack when he had to bend over to hook the hitch up to my car. Nasty... but a nice guy nonetheless).

So by midnight we were at HBL Audi in Tysons where my car is now being fixed. My sister picked us all up, and we drove M & Leaky home. I think I was in bed by 1:30am. This morning I found out that the alternator needs to be replaced. $1200.00. Now let's get into why I feel betrayed by Audi.

I bought the car last January bc I had too many near-death experiences with my miata in the winter time. I acted out of fear when I purchased the car; it provided me with a sense of safety and protection. It instilled me with confidence (it was a fuckin' AUDI, baby!). I do have to say that there is some snobbery involved there. My first foray into the luxury vehicle world. I'm a bad ass. What a fucking let down this year has been.

The Audi is a goddamn MONEY PIT. After this fiasco, I will have shelled out close to $8K in repairs (no, its not under warranty) over the past 14 months. I thought I was buying a beautiful piece of fine German engineering; high quality that lasts a long time. But nooooo..... shit starts going wrong at 40K miles. Waterpump. Timing Belt. New Tires. Some other front end suspension shit. I've lost track now... I even have my own case manager TARA at HBL Audi.

So this is what I have to say to my car.

Audi, I've tried so hard to love you and take care of you. Yet, you fucking suck money out of my wallet like a Hoover. (I wonder if this was how my dad felt when I went to college and grad school?) Why can't you give me back some lovin'? You're a goddamn disappointment. A failure. You're fake and phony. I know its not your fault... its the company's fault for releasing such a piece of shit to sell to the general public. I promise I'll start my campaign against Audi GmBH soon in your name. I don't hate you. I am just really disappointed in you.

I'm really sorry, baby, but I'm going to have to let you go. Its the only way. I give so much of myself to you, yet all you do is bring me grief and misery. Besides, DH hates you. You're already missing a front grill and I think your front bumper is coming off. Thinking about how many repairs have been made to you this past year makes me want to stick my finger down my throat and induce vomiting. Its nice that you're paid off and all... but still, you make me sick.

Hopefully some other wannabe noveau-riche dumbass will give you a home and maybe you won't be as much of a problem. But I doubt it. I'm sure you'll end up on some used car lot in Arlington that has a big BIENVENIDOS sign in front of it. It will be like the Island of Misfit Toys, except the lot will be full of abused "luxury" cars. You'll make some minority family happy out there.

Sorry. Love, Me.