The World According to YodaBeesh

Friday, September 30, 2005

Government Propaganda? Give me a break....

I came across an extremely disturbing article in the NYT which you really need to read for yourselves:

Audit Assails the White House for Public Relations Spending (NYT 09302005)

I honestly DON'T know what to say... I can see budgeting and spending for outreach campaigns to inform the general public about new policy initiatives, but the tactics that they've taken (in this article, education and Medicare are specifically mentioned) reek of "The Corporation."

These are the kind of slimy, icky, yet incredibly effective strategies that I have seen so successfully implemented in pharmaceutical and consumer product marketing. Ugh... and we're paying for it out of our own pockets!

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Sometimes the news gets boring

I didn't post anything yesterday because I just found the news to be a complete BORE. Honestly. I scanned through different articles and papers, and the most interesting thing that I found (well, personally speaking), was a story about a giant squid.


Well, the news became a little more interesting as the day progressed. DeLay finally got his ass nailed to the wall (er, I mean "indicted"), but that really was no big surprise there. It was just a matter of time that would happen.... who knew that time would be yesterday!

DeLay makes me sick. I mean, just check out this solemn sourpuss face of his as he steps down from his position in the House:

I feel no pity for the man (jack-ass). He's so self-agrandizing. I hope that pig-f**ker lobbyist Abramoff gets his come-uppance as well.


So get this... I was watching CNN yesterday morning and they had someone on talking about this "Plum Book"... I guess its this real list book produced by the Office of Personnel Management, and it provides a list of different positions in the government that can be directly appointed by The President (read: stacking positions with his lil' cronies). Page through it... maybe you too can one day be the "Director of FEMA", or perhaps, the "Assistant to the Deputy Undersecretary of the Interior"!

See.... THIS is the kind of sh*t that makes me love Washington DC. Who says that LA is the entertainment capital of the world? We've got it all here inside the Beltway!


Apparently all those refugee camp-type stories of rape, murder, plundering, and snipering in New Orleans were untrue and proven to be false. Uhm, part of me kind of sensed that to begin with... I mean, Anderson Cooper, and Soledad O'Brien loved milking horror stories like that (it does add some climactic value to the news), unfortunately no one had their facts straight. I think that this is what they call the "fog of war?"


And last, but not least, I have some sad news to bring you.

Renee Zellwegger and Kenny Chesney have called it quits. Well, I guess that this is kind of old news, but MaddyBeesh brought home the latest People magazine, and it was on the front cover. I couldn't help but read about the ill-fated romance. Is she on medication or something?! In a strange way, I'm glad that Kenny is still single. It leaves that faint glimmer of hope for millions of gay men out there...

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Bush gets Gassy... Lynddie sent to the Cabbage Patch...Kerry in a K-Hole... and more NEWS OF THE WEIRD!

In today's headlines:

I need the American people driving in cars THIS big... Its hard work!
So, W is asking us to conserve energy? Is it me or is there something slightly hypocritical in this statement? How is he supposed to keep on building his retirement fund if people cut back their demand for his big Texas oil gushers?

He was later quoted as saying, "... and I also have a really nice piece of beachfront property in Louisiana that I wanna sell you..."

Read on: President Calls for Less Driving to Conserve Gas (NYT 09272005)

At least his Call for Action further reinforces my telecommuting work initiative...


Our favorite S&M Cabbage Patch Kid is back in the news:

What could I possibly say about this picture except that I want to squeeze her chipmunk-like cheeks as if they were big white-heads, ripe for the bursting. I wonder whatever happened to her baby...? Anyhow, to coin a very popular post-9/11 phrase... "Never Forget"....

Read on: Private Found Guilty in Abu Ghraib Abuse (NYT 09272005)

I wonder if she'll be able to have conjugal visits with her baby's daddy? Man, her kid is going to need some serious psychotherapy (message to spawn of England: look me up in about 10 yrs, ok?)

What more needs to be possibly said about the above picture (other than I pillaged it from Matt Drudge's website...?) And just when we thought we were able to forget and put it all behind us... now the Kerry Campaign hits the big screen! You really have to just read this article for yourself...
Hey, doesn't the above picture of Kerry remind you of Lemmiwinks from South Park?
And now.... NEWS OF THE WEIRD....
Uhhh.... what more can be said about this one: Puppy Swallows 13-Inch Knife, Survives (AP 09262005)
And I quote from the owner:
"I'm going to frame (the knife) and give it to Dr. Carew," Scarola said. "He should hang it. Everybody should know what puppies are capable of putting down their throats."
Great idea. How about keeping your small animals away from large pointy objects first?
Not actual winner
Last but not least, 71-Year-Old Crowned University's Homecoming Queen (AP 09262005). As part of her winnings, good ol' Muriel was awarded with a life-time supply of prune juice and Depends.
Her tiara currently hangs on display from her IV drip for all to see.

Due to popular request...

... I have started blogging again. Every other blog posting seems to be "sorry, but..." Ahh eff it. Your kind words of encouragement, such as "where the f**k have you been" or "when is your next f**king posting" have revealed to me that I play such a crucial part of building the American Cynic.

I need to get back in touch with my inner-cynicism. Let the games begin (again)!