I didn't post anything yesterday because I just found the news to be a complete BORE. Honestly. I scanned through different articles and papers, and the most interesting thing that I found (well, personally speaking), was a story about a
giant squid.

Well, the news became a little more interesting as the day progressed.
DeLay finally got his ass nailed to the wall (er, I mean "indicted"), but that really was no big surprise there. It was just a matter of time that would happen.... who knew that time would be yesterday!
DeLay makes me sick. I mean, just check out this solemn sourpuss face of his as he steps down from his position in the House:

I feel no pity for the man (jack-ass). He's so self-agrandizing. I hope that pig-f**ker lobbyist
Abramoff gets his come-uppance as well.

So get this... I was watching CNN yesterday morning and they had someone on talking about this "
Plum Book"... I guess its this real list book produced by the Office of Personnel Management, and it provides a list of different positions in the government that can be directly appointed by The President (read:
stacking positions with his lil' cronies). Page through it... maybe you too can one day be the "
Director of FEMA", or perhaps, the "Assistant to the Deputy Undersecretary of the Interior"!
See.... THIS is the kind of sh*t that makes me love Washington DC. Who says that LA is the entertainment capital of the world? We've got it all here inside the Beltway!

Apparently all those refugee camp-type
stories of rape, murder, plundering, and snipering in New Orleans were untrue and proven to be false. Uhm, part of me kind of sensed that to begin with... I mean, Anderson Cooper, and Soledad O'Brien loved milking horror stories like that (it does add some climactic value to the news), unfortunately no one had their facts straight. I think that this is what they call the "fog of war?"
And last, but not least, I have some sad news to bring you.
Renee Zellwegger and Kenny Chesney have called it quits. Well, I guess that this is kind of old news, but MaddyBeesh brought home the latest People magazine, and it was on the front cover. I couldn't help but read about the ill-fated romance. Is she on medication or something?! In a strange way, I'm glad that Kenny is still single. It leaves that faint glimmer of hope for millions of gay men out there...