The World According to YodaBeesh

Thursday, April 28, 2005

I can't believe Scott Savol lasted another week

He's fcuking nasty.

Many of you have personally remarked to me that there has been a distinct lack of Scott Savol postings over the past 2 weeks. I was "over" him. He joined the trashbin of news along with Terri Schaivo, the Pope, and whoever else has been erased from America's attention span.

Enough is enough.

Simon said it best the other day to Scott: "I think you'd better pack your suitcase". But NOOOOOOOO..... Constantine gets voted off. It just does not make sense.

From my dear friends at

American Idol: What the f***?! ( 04272005)

Scott Savol stinks. And so does ‘American Idol.’

Here's another great one from Rich Ord on webProNews:

American Idol Shocker: Constantine Maroulis Dumped! ( 04272005)
In a hard to believe vote tonight on Fox Television's American Idol ... it
wasn't bad boy Scott and it wasn't the young kid Anthony ... it was Constantine
who had the least votes and is now off the show.
He has a good theory... some dumb-fcuk out there made has created SOFTWARE called SpeedVoter that lets your modem vote for you as many as 650 times. Gotta love it. Its cashing in on piggybanks of innocent (no, make that dumb) American teenagers everywhere (650 votes for $14.95). SpeedVoter claims:
Now you can out-vote your kids...and make the show better.

Hello... these kids are way more tech-savvy than good ol' mom and dad. I do have to hand it to these guys (based out of Santa Ana, CA), they have indeed been blessed with the gift of American Capitalism (sigh).

I have many psycho-socio-economic theories about this show. I just need to organize my thoughts a little bit better (not quite finished my first cup of coffee this morning). Let me leave you with this much: American Idol truly is a reflection of America.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

A special activity for my gay entourage

I came across this one on Gay Sex Blog (there really is a blog for all occasions!).

Have you ever been curious to find out which gay porn star you are most like? Well take the quiz! Oh, but take it at HOME and not at work! Eeeek!!!!

Which Gay Porn Star Are You?
Apparently I am most like Jacob Slader (never heard of him).

I'll have to invest in one of his art films to validate whether or not the quiz is indeed accurate.

The squeaky wheel gets the oil (kind of...): More Microsoft in the news

Its kinda cool the blogs are starting to push some people's buttons (yay Ameriblog!)

Microsoft Weighs Reversal on Gay Rights, Gates Says (NYT 04272005)

SEATTLE, April 26 - Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, has indicated he may reconsider his company's decision not to support a Washington State gay rights bill amid the growing firestorm inside and outside the company that exploded after the recent disclosure that Microsoft had changed its position on the bill.

It would be such a pain in the ass for me to boycott Microsoft (as I type this blog entry using MS Internet Explorer on my PC running WinXP Pro). Don't get me wrong... I'd do it if necessary. You're talking to the same person who had an Odyssey II instead of Atari 2600 growing up as a child.

I really hope that they didn't hire Ralph Reed to put Christian messages into our software. That would really suck.


UPDATE: This is cool... from Towleroad. Its the letter that Microsoft employees sent to senior Microsoft executives today recommending how they could rectify the situation.

Microsoft Employees Draft Letter to Executives

Bush's Amazing Package

What is the fascination with GWB's package? Can anyone enlighten me?

First, Mineta looks like he's about to perform oral on the Big Man (see photos from yesterday's blog postings), and now, it looks like DeLay wants to cop a feel as well. Now I'm intrigued...

No, Tommy! Wait until we get inside Air Force One...!

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


NEWS FLASH FROM DRUDGE REPORT: Bush Asks about Splash DAY (Drudge 04262005)

(Bush was unaware "Splash Day" is now a fully gay and lesbian event on the beaches. )


Recommended Artist of the Week: Laura Tsaggaris

Kweenbeesh (3:51:52 PM): beesh you got a free min
Kweenbeesh (3:52:00 PM): want u to hear something

YodaBeesh (3:52:02 PM): quite possibly... though I just woke up
YodaBeesh (3:52:05 PM): go ahead
Kweenbeesh (3:52:06 PM): you would like it
Kweenbeesh (3:52:08 PM):
Kweenbeesh (3:52:11 PM): click on store
Kweenbeesh (3:52:33 PM): after clicking on store
Kweenbeesh (3:52:42 PM): and click on free download of oops I did it again

YodaBeesh (3:53:00 PM): what is it
YodaBeesh (3:53:04 PM): before i download it
Kweenbeesh (3:53:23 PM): oops I did it again
Kweenbeesh (3:53:24 PM): song
Kweenbeesh (3:53:27 PM): but her rendition of it
Kweenbeesh (3:53:30 PM): not britney's
Kweenbeesh (3:53:52 PM): she's corey's friend
Kweenbeesh (3:54:06 PM): and we saw her perform sunday
YodaBeesh (3:54:09 PM): ok... downloading real player (I didn't have it)
Kweenbeesh (3:54:18 PM): k let me know when it starts playing
Kweenbeesh (3:56:42 PM): did it work?
YodaBeesh (3:56:49 PM): still downloading
Kweenbeesh (3:56:54 PM): oh ok
YodaBeesh (3:59:17 PM): oh god... this is taking forever...hold pls
YodaBeesh (3:59:44 PM): this better be worth it!
Kweenbeesh (4:00:12 PM): it will be
Kweenbeesh (4:00:14 PM): I love it
Kweenbeesh (4:00:17 PM): so I had to share it with you
YodaBeesh (4:01:18 PM): listening to it now
Kweenbeesh (4:01:20 PM): nice
Kweenbeesh (4:04:15 PM): what did you think?
YodaBeesh (4:04:21 PM): it was cool
Kweenbeesh (4:04:22 PM): yeah
YodaBeesh (4:04:26 PM): should I post on my blog"?
Kweenbeesh (4:04:28 PM): I loved her performance
YodaBeesh (4:04:29 PM): is she a dyke?
Kweenbeesh (4:04:29 PM): yes
Kweenbeesh (4:04:30 PM): yes
Kweenbeesh (4:04:37 PM): she's corey's good friend
Kweenbeesh (4:04:46 PM): she performed in the village on sunday night
Kweenbeesh (4:04:48 PM): we went to go see her
Kweenbeesh (4:04:53 PM): from dc
Kweenbeesh (4:04:56 PM): she's performing in dc this weekend
YodaBeesh (4:05:05 PM): oh cool
Kweenbeesh (4:05:16 PM): yeah post it on your blog
YodaBeesh (4:05:18 PM): so is she all folkey?
Kweenbeesh (4:05:27 PM): well not all
Kweenbeesh (4:05:41 PM): this was just an accoustic version
Kweenbeesh (4:05:45 PM): she performs with live band
Kweenbeesh (4:05:52 PM): i bought her cd and love it
Kweenbeesh (4:05:56 PM): very alanis sound to it
Kweenbeesh (4:06:04 PM): you would like it
YodaBeesh (4:08:52 PM): blogging now...
Kweenbeesh (4:12:47 PM): k

The pics they didn't WANT you to see!

One of my fanclub members just sent me this funny pic that was on the splash page of this morning's of GWB and Crown Prince Abdullah holding hands:

So many directions to take it. I mean really... it leaves the man wide open for jokes. Just too easy. That's why I didn't do anything with it earlier. (It does look really gay though. Fcuking GAY!)

ANYWAYS... I went back to the website, and CANNOT FIND THE PICTURE. Its almost as if someone at the White House called WP and told them to take that sh*t down. This is what they have up now for the same article:

Here's a link to the article if you really give a sh*t:
Bush, Saudi Fail to Reach Deal to Lower Gas Prices (WP 04262005)
Oh, and BTW... I do think that The Bush Family is in ca-hoots with the Royal Family of Saud. Fcuking sell-outs.

YodaBeesh feels cheated. And everyone knows not to fcuk with YodaBeesh.

I've posted the original pic to share (permanently) with all of my constituents (yes, I represent the people and Jedis everywhere...) and have added some other rather embarrasing GAY-THEMED PICTURES of our Commander-in-Chief.

And to think that "they" made fun of Kerry and Edwards being so close. Sheesh.

If this were a clip from a Falcon video (and of course, switch out the guys), this could be very hot. Unfortunately, its not... it looks like GWB about to get a BJ from, I think, Norm Mineta, while getting a**-fcuked by Karl Rove. I wonder if GWB has a well-endowed pork-spear? Supposedly, everything is bigger in Texas. Thoughts?

You want some of this? You want some of this?! I will cornhole any secular leftist that comes my way!

Kisses, ladies! Kisses!

Note the dismayed look on Barney's face.

All I have to say is, "Thank GOD for the Freedom of Speech!"

UPDATE: Oops. I just noticed that the NYT has the original picture up. My bad.
Bush and Saudi Prince Discuss High Oil Prices in Ranch Meeting (NYT 04262005)

Christianity for Sale! Microsoft Retains Ralph Reed...

Oh it was just bound to happen. Just when you think that MS is on the side of GLBTs everywhere, I come across this:

Microsoft paying Religious Right leader Ralph Reed $20,000 a month retainer (AmericaBlog 04262005)

Now, YodaBeesh believes in speaking only the truth, and I abhor unreliable sources (ie, referring to other blogs, etc), but what the hell. Its good fodder and is sadly a nightmare becoming reality. (sigh)

Here's another goodie along the same lines:

Microsoft retreating in fear of red state retribution (Seattle Post-Intelligencer 04252005)

And to think that I just plunked down some major bling on a new PC instead of a Mac...

Yet another article, this time from WP... looks like this could potentially spin out of control :-D
Microsoft Draws Fire for Shift on Gay Rights Bill (WP 04262005)

YodaBeesh Book Review: Winning the Future... by Newt Gingrich

Your YodaBeesh belongs to a book club. Yes. Its true.

This past month's selection was Winning The Future: A 21st Century Contract with America by Newt Gingrich.

Jist of the book: Newt comes up with a New Contract for America...blahblahblah.

My Take: It sucked. Newt makes an attempt at coming off as a legitimate academician and fails spectacularly. His assumptions are weakly supported (if at all), and the overall writing style is akin to hot-winded rhetoric and right-wing propaganda. He takes as many swipes as possible at the "secular left". This was written to cater to the fears of red state inhabitants, and reinforces those fears through empty promises in his intangible contract. His book poses no new solutions; the solutions that he does provide are dated and were posited in the 1990s. The book is filled with inconsistencies and hypocrisy... I'd elaborate further, but you can find them as easily as finding out "Where's Waldo?"

If you want to make Newt Gingrich happy, then replace the existing system of government with a Fundementalist Christian State.

Final Assessment: Makes a good paperweight, but remove the book sleeve first unless you're a glutton for odd stares and alienation.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Dear YodaBeesh: I Have Hookers in my Alley

A gentle reader/city-dweller has come to YodaBeesh with the following predicament involving whores. Read on:

I was just reading your blog entries and saw the RB issues with dogs on his lawn. Well, I have my own little urban dilemma that I need help with.

So, I'm still having a little difficulty getting to sleep with the jet lag and everything, and it's about 2:30 in the morning. I'm on my computer and hear a car pull into the parking spot for our unit. We sold the jeep to our neighbors so I run downstairs and look through the window to see if they were just parking in the spot out of convenience. Nope. It's a prostitute and her customer. The neighbor that I sold the jeep to is actually in the process of moving and so was taking stuff out to her car; I stopped and talked to her. We both called 311. 15 minutes later the cruiser came by, but of course the car was gone 2 minutes earlier. 30 minutes later another car comes up, parks in the middle of the alley, and a woman gets out, who is obviously a hooker, does some stretches gets back in the car and leaves.

Not an hour later another car shows up. My neighbor is still in the middle of loading her car and I run out there to see another car with BJ in full action. Called 311 again, but in 2 minutes they were gone. This time I pull the garbage cans into the parking spot. Ten minutes later a car shows up again and parks just down the alley. I don't even bother calling the cops, since I can't really tell what's going on, and at this point it's not on my property. A few minutes later I hear another car pull up so I go look out the window and there are two squad cars there and they have the hooker and the guy against the car. I had to run down and get my neighbor, so we went into the back yard and watched. They let both of them go. As the hooker walks by we recognize her as the woman who had done the stretches earlier in the evening, and she's pregnant. My neighbor tells me that not only did they find all these condoms but on several occasions when walking their dog they've found hookers getting dressed in the corner of the alley.

I knew this was going on but had no idea how busy this alley was. Just to think, if it hadn't been for jet lag I would have missed out on all of this. So the question it raises for me, is am I being a strong defender of my community or just a neighborhood gossip?

Wow, JCT, it really does sound like quite a predicament.

To answer your question, NO, you are NOT a gossip by any means (that's my job). I'm sure that once upon a time, well before the gentrification, and before the massive influx of the urban poor (so probably sometime before the Great Depression or WW I), your neighborhood was a crown jewel of the city. Now your alley should be named "Dump and Run".

Kudos to you for being vigilant and taking back the streets! Its a shame that you can't bear firearms in Washington DC. Clearly, this is a threat to your home and your cats. We're luckier here in Virginia and don't have any prostitution issues in my neighborhood.

See my posting below re. the dog poo situation of another city-dweller. I woulda taken the hose to the pregnant bitch and made her go into labor. I suppose that a .44 pointed at her from 50 feet away would probably have a similar effect. Now that would be a lesson learned.

At the end of the day, the key is to train the hookers that having alley sex is a bad thing. Guns and hoses are good for reinforcing that message through your standard Pavlovian response.

Keep up the great work busting the sex rings! Glad to hear that you had a great time on your trip!