The World According to YodaBeesh

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Bizzaro News: Man Carves Runaway Bride on Piece of Toast

(Not actual toast...)

Man Carves Runaway Bride on Piece of Toast (AP 05062005)

In what is perhaps the most BIZZARE collision/marriage of pop culture news, some dude carves a picture of the infamous "runaway bride" into some toast, posts it on eBay and has a bid already for >$15K. People are just soooooooooo WEIRD (the latter comment directed to the bidders out there).

Kudos to the toast-carver for being an innovative and entrpreneurial American capitalist.

Notice that no one has tried anything with English Muffins? I see a market there... toast is just so mundane.


And so it begins...

I read this article in the NYT this morning and thought to myself, "...and so it begins."

Vatican Is Said to Force Jesuit Off Magazine (NYT 05072005)

An American Jesuit who is a frequent television commentator on Roman Catholic issues resigned yesterday under orders from the Vatican as editor of the Catholic magazine America because he had published articles critical of church positions, several Catholic officials in the United States said.

I've always had an extremely deep respect for the Jesuits. They are reknown for being rather liberal in comparison to other Orders within the Catholic Church. Looks like the Church in Rome is now putting the smack down on that. Its a real shame.

I've said this repeatedly to friends who may not understand, unless they were raised in the Catholic Church: The Church is not a democracy. Ironically the first thing I would equate it to (and this is honestly from an analytical objective comparison) is a Fascist regime. There are 14 characteristics to Fascism (click to read). As you read them, think of any institutions that may embody those characteristics. I'll start you off with a few examples: Boy Scouts of America and the US military. Again, I have to say as a disclaimer that this is an observation, not a judgement.

How ironic as well that I had a class at my Catholic undegraduate institution devoted to studying the Rise of Fascism. My professor, a nutcase, was/is absolutely brilliant.


Friday, May 06, 2005

YodaBeesh' Hip Hop Playlist

So I go through these weird music phases. This past week I've been listening to a lot of hip-hop and rap (must be all my pent up anger). I have a Rio Carbon (anti-iPod, here) and here is my current playlist. Feel free to comment. Am I missing any good songs from this playlist?

My fave songs off of it are Milkshake (Kelis), CandyShop (50Cent), Pass That Dutch (Missy Elliott), and Its Like That (Mariah Carey). Its catchy, has a really good sample, and doesn't sound like the old crap she's put out for the last few albums. Oh, and I LOVE Jay-Z.



Hey buoys and gulls... after being MIA all week long, I am finally back. The Man has unchained my shackles from my cube, and now I am FREE. JK (kinda...)

Seriously, I had such a crazy-a** couple of weeks. My project was wrapping up (personal disclosure: I'm in IT consulting), so I was pulling really bizzare hours with that. And you know what... the funny thing is that I WORK AT HOME. Other crazy sh*t going on:
  • DH and I had back-to-back visitors for a week to our Youth Hostel in the 'Burbs
  • I had my LAST session of group therapy (after 3 years) this week
  • I went to Pittsburgh for a long weekend for some alumni functions
  • other random a** stuff that just adds to my to-do list...
Anyhow, the week is over! Everything is pretty much wrapped up or at least downhill (in a good way) from here. So thanks to all my fans and friends out there who have sent emails and IMs of concern over the drop in blog-volume. Its good to know that I make such an impact on your lives.

Let the blogging begin...!

- YodaBeesh.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Where is YodaBeesh?

Yes, this is me recently...

Hey fans... Sorry I've gone from multiple daily postings to literally dropping off the face of the earth. Work has actually been biting me in the a**, and it kinda sucks (otherwise it wouldn't be called "work", would it?)

I have this major final report due to a client that I've been taking my time with (read: procrastinating), and at this point I'm so ambivalent towards my project that I could give a rat's a**. It will get done, though. You have my word on it. Its one of those things where even the client sometimes doesn't know what he/she wants. Again... "work".

In a way, I kind of acted out by going to (of all places) Pittsburgh for the weekend. I had some YodaBeesh business to do there, and it was a wonderful distraction. Now its back to the grindstone.

I continue to act out in my own ways by asserting myself (think "dog pissing on a bush to mark territory") through random emails and communications. Unfortunately, I had to cancel my session this morning with my psychotherapist to focus on getting this report finished. Yes, even Beeshes occassionally seek the wisdom of others (or in my case, once a week).

I should probably shower... I work out of my home and haven't showered since Sunday.

Anyhow, wanted to let you know that I am alive and well!