Yes, this is me recently...
Hey fans... Sorry I've gone from multiple daily postings to literally dropping off the face of the earth. Work has actually been biting me in the a**, and it kinda sucks (otherwise it wouldn't be called "work", would it?)
I have this major final report due to a client that I've been taking my time with (read:
procrastinating), and at this point I'm so ambivalent towards my project that I could give a rat's a**. It will get done, though. You have my word on it. Its one of those things where even the client sometimes doesn't know what he/she wants. Again... "work".
In a way, I kind of acted out by going to (of all places) Pittsburgh for the weekend. I had some YodaBeesh business to do there, and it was a wonderful distraction. Now its back to the grindstone.
I continue to act out in my own ways by asserting myself (think "dog pissing on a bush to mark territory") through random emails and communications. Unfortunately, I had to cancel my session this morning with my psychotherapist to focus on getting this report finished. Yes, even Beeshes occassionally seek the wisdom of others (or in my case, once a week).
I should probably shower... I work out of my home and haven't showered since Sunday.
Anyhow, wanted to let you know that I am alive and well!