The World According to YodaBeesh

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Random Ass news that we actually care about...

Awesome article from the NYT re. the influx of peeps from NYC to Philly. I feel like it gives some kind of validation to Philly when no one would listen to me :-) I love my hometown! In your FACE, Pittsburgh :-P hehe... JK.

Philadelphia Story: The Next Borough (NYT 08142005)


Everyone is so infatuated with real estate these days. NYT has a cool week-long series about the growth of "suburbia" in different parts of the nation. Read up folks; here's the first article in the series: Living Large, by Design, in the Middle of Nowhere (NYT 08152005)


WTF is UP with GAS PRICES?!?!? Did I miss something in the news? What is it? Gaza? Iran? Iraq? I'd like to strangle someone... though I can't complain extensively since I don't really commute anywhere. I remember back in the day, before the FIRST Gulf War when gas was less than $1.00/gallon. What was that... 1991? : The Biggest Jump at the Pump18-Cent Weekly Hike Sets 15-Year Record (WP 08162005)


I saw this one in the WP and thought it was just effing funny. I guess the residents in PG County take reality TV on step further... After Hotel Attack, It's On With the Reality Show Home Makeover Crews Have Troubling Start To Pr. George's Project (WP 08162005)


And now some REALLLLY weird news:

Hey... have you ever seen Donnie Darko? I love that flick. I was thinking of Frank the Bunny when I read this article: Bunny's Racket Saves Pregnant Woman's Life (AP 08152005)


And on a final note... Second Grader Busted For Pot Possession On School Bus (AP 08162005) Damn, son! Don't kids just ride bikes or play outside anymore...? Save that kind of shenanigans for college!