The World According to YodaBeesh

Friday, July 22, 2005

Why American TV news sucks...

I used to be somewhat of a "news addict"... you know, one of those people that always had CNN or Headline News playing in the background as I carried on with my day. That has significantly changed in recent months... I'm pretty sick of TV news at this point. This morning was a definite breaking point.

CNN Daybreak was on this morning, and Betty Nguyen was anchoring (I guess that Carol Costello must be on vacation... love her!). Anyhow, Betty was interviewing some Brit reporter re. the recent spate of bombings in London... and I found her reporting to be extremely irritating and leading.

(One must concede that there has been a definite lack of details coming out of yesterdays "bombings" (were they even bombs? I don't think so...). So the media is left floundering for any tid-bit of information. This is where news reporting becomes dangerous and the speculation begins.)

Getting back to Betty... she starts "feeding" the Brit (incidentally who is South Asian, maybe Indian or Paki, who knows...) that the one suspect was identified as "Asian" was most likely to be a Pakistani. It almost seemed as if she were trying to prompt him. He corrected her and said that it could be anyone of Asian descent and has yet to be ascertained. Yet, she continued on the Pakistani thing, and built her interview on that. She also continued her mindless speculation asking all these what-ifs: "What if he was East Asian or Southeast Asian?...What could this mean?"

At that point I HAD to shut the TV off. A huge pet peeve of mine is mindless assumptions and speculation. Making these kinds of statements and feeding this type of information via main-stream meda has a tendency to warp the public's perception (unless one is wary.) I also found it ironic that Betty, herself, is Asian (hope she doesn't aspire to be a Michelle Malkin wanna-be.)

So now where do I point my TV to...? The CBC! Yes, folks... the Canadian Broadcast Company. For DirecTV owners, you can find it on NewsWorld International (Channel 366).


First off, it is extremely interesting to watch their news-reporting style in comparison to American news. No overblown hyperbole, no crazy assumptions or speculation. They report the news that is available without becoming sensationalistic. Its actually somewhat refreshing to watch! Sure, maybe the anchors aren't hot-shot stand-outs... maybe their personalities lean towards the bland and pedestrian. But, these days, that's how I like my news.

Fcuk it... I can't watch CNN anymore. CBC rocks. And to also think that Bill Hemmer is going to Fox News Channel! Now, what is UP with that?!?

In conclusion... I shall continue to deliver my News of The Weird... but only in the style and journalistic integrity of the CBC, AP, Reuters, etc. I present to you THE FACTS (oh, and my personal witty commentary.)

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Yellow Cake, B*tches!

Those of you who know me well enough know that I LOVVVVVE Chappelle's Show. Here I am to spread the love. Here's a link to some memorable quotes from seasons 1&2 (thanks, IMDB!):

For those of you who haven't seen the show... WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? Here's a sample which just happens to be my FAVORITE clip... Yellow Cake, b*tches!

HILARIOUS. Effing hilarious.

Monday, July 18, 2005

This morning's News of the Weird

Oooh... we've all been in this situation before (kinda)... in a car... gotta pee... no place in sight...

Racing teen desperate for pit stop... Reuters 07152005... OTTAWA (Reuters) - A Canadian teenager caught driving at almost twice the speed limit told police he had overdosed on a protein drink and was desperately looking for a washroom, the Ottawa Citizen reported on Friday.

Now this is what I call a sticky situation. This story qualifies as "Boy, sucks to be you...!" article-of-the-day:

Cell phone saves immigrants lost in desert...Reuters07152005...MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A group of stranded illegal immigrants facing death in the parched Arizona desert saved themselves by using a cell phone they found to call rescue services, the U.S. Border Patrol said Thursday.

They probably should have tried 411.

Follow the Uranium, B-yotch

From Dave Chappelle's Show:

President Black Bush: I didn't want to say this. The motherfucker bought yellow cake. All right! From Africa. He went to Africa and bought some yellow cake.

News Reporter: Are you sure?

President Black Bush: Yes! I'm sure, bitch!

This whole CIA-blown-cover-Karl-Rove blahblahblah just amuses me. Its the media spinning wheels since the Michael Jackson case is over. Don't we have any real news left?
Anyways, I'm even having a hard time keeping score on this whole blame game. Here's a great op-ed from NYT that kinda clarifies what this whole story is REALLY about:

Follow the Uranium NYT 07172005

Heh heh... Long time no post

I seem to be going on these personal hiatuses (sp?)... Its been a very interesting summer thus far.

First off, I haven't had the tattoo done yet. I have the template but I planned to have it inked after my vacation in Ptown in August. New developments... I ain't going to PT!

UGH... but it gets juicier.

Being the YodaBeesh that I am (and always seeking further enlightenment), I've come to the conclusion (with much facilitation from friends... and self-contemplation with The Force) that I was meant to be a doctor.


SO, I'm taking the MCAT next month and applying for admission to med school for next fall.

Yes. Crazy idea. Par for the course for YB. My favorite quote thus far on my zany idea from KJL: "Well, this is definitely one of your crazier schemes..."

Go watch "The Corporation"... its on DVD. Its a way for you to develop a researched excuse to find disenchantment with your current existence, say "fcuk it all...", and follow your dreams. Granted, this movie wasn't really the sole catalyst for my decision-making.

Anyhow, I have some 30-odd days to cram everything I ever learned from undergrad into my thick skull. I've started making my sacrifices: first, had to cancel my trip with the boys up to PTown. Secondly, I have to postpone my summer reading until after the exam. I've gone through a sh*tload of books thus far... now I'm carrying around these MCAT flash cards that I bought from Borders the other day. Its about as thrilling as memorizing a box of Trivia Pursuit cards ;-)

So the big day is Aug 20.... I'll keep you posted!