The World According to YodaBeesh

Saturday, March 26, 2005

The Passion of Terri...?

Ok, so this morning, here I am sipping my first cup of coffee with CNN playing in the background and of course, they are talking about Terri (guess she's still alive).

Anyhow, they were interviewing Br. Paul O'Donnell from the Brothers of Peace in MN, and he started making these analogies of this situation to when Jesus was crucified, and Mary had to watch. He made other references to the US courts acting like the Pharisees, etc... I think most of you may remember the story from Catholic School, CCD or church... or at least saw Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ.

It really turned my stomach to hear these analogies. I was raised a Catholic; went to Catholic School from grade school all the way to undergrad. Grad school was the first "non-Catholic" environment in which I was educated. And I'm a Gay Catholic, or as I like to put it, a Gay "recovering Catholic". Its very odd timing, but I can remember that I stopped attending church after 9/11.

After listening to this morning's interview with Br. Paul, I could feel the Catholic indoctrination kicking in: I felt guilty and nauseous. Yet, I also am very aware: this is a huge act of desperation and it is extremely crafty and manipulative. The story of the Passion of Christ (yes, I still remember all the terms and details from my education), is very deeply engrained within me. As a Catholic we know of the suffering of Mary. Now we get to watch it on TV.

I just turned the TV off. I'm emotionally tired and drained of this debacle. Maybe part of it is "out of sight, out of mind". Who knows. But comparing this entire situation to the Passion of Christ is definitely a very LOW BLOW. I'm not sure that the Lord would really appreciate the manipulation of the original message to fit the desperate measures of the extreme right.

Ugh, we're all gonna go to hell I suppose. Well, except for Terri. She'll be ok.


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