The World According to YodaBeesh

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

The SMACK DOWNS continue!

Oh, justice is soooo sweet. As of my previous posting, the 11th Circuit Court had told Congress to shove it and mind their own business (read the opinion!).

Now, only hours later the Florida State Senate has become too paralyzed with fear and indecision to support their man, Jeb. Now I am not saying that they've developed a backbone between now and the last time they shoved the feeding tube back into Terry. They've probably taken a hint from the Dems and decided to play Pontius Pilate and wash their hands of this mess (like the Catholic reference? It is Lent!)

Jeb is a fat dumbass. To Jeb: You're not a physician. You're making policy decisions based on a doctor who has NEVER seen Terry IN PERSON. Look at what you're saying:

"(Jeb) said the physician, William Cheshire, believes that Schiavo's condition may have been misdiagnosed. "It is more likely that she is in a state of minimal consciousness, rather than in a state of -- in a persistent vegetative state," Bush told reporters. "This new information raises serious concerns and warrants immediate action. . . . We're exhausting all executive options. . . .'" (WP 03232005)

Geez Jeb... watch a few episodes of Law and Order sometime. You might get some idea as to HOW you should defend your arguments. Fucking jackass. Why don't you focus on your own Xanax-popping daughter?

Noelle is just CRYING out for attention, Baby. I mean, look at the shenanigans that Jenna and Barbara get into! I'd be SO pissed off if my dad were more concerned about a vegetable than moi. Wouldn't you?

Pass the Xanax.


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