The World According to YodaBeesh

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Terry Update! More smackdowns...

Helllooo... So now the US Supreme Court has put the smack down (for the second time!):

"The Supreme Court on Thursday refused to order Terri Schiavo's feeding tube reinserted, rejecting a desperate appeal by her parents to keep their severely brain-damaged daughter alive." (WP 03242005 ).

Do we not see a pattern here? The courts are NOT going to budge, dumbasses. I have CNN playing in the background and they had some Christian Defense Fund attorney kook, Chris Mahoney literally BEGGING directly to Jeb Bush to intervene. It was almost like he was a televangelist ranting and raving to the camera and BEGGING to Jeb (not the Lord) to intervene. Can I emphasize the desperate BEGGING and PLEADING any more? Reminds me of the good ol' days with Jim and Tammy Faye...

I wonder when the burning bush will appear in Pinellas Park. Doh! I just made a punny!!


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