The World According to YodaBeesh

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Carrie goes Bye Bye from Gap Ads

So Gap decided to replace Carrie with lil' Brit singer Joss Stone. I've heard that JS is pretty good, but I've never heard any of her songs. I hope she doesn't sound like that freak Avril Lavigne (ties are soooo unfashionable on girls, sweetie).

Read on: "Gap is dropping Sarah Jessica Parker for 17-year-old pop star Joss Stone" (WP 032305)

Let me be the first to wish Sarah Jessica Parker happy birthday. The actress, who became a television icon playing sex columnist Carrie Bradshaw in "Sex and the City," turns 40 on Friday. Somebody send her a bunch of red balloons, a la Mr. Big, to mark the occasion.
Her milestone birthday might have passed relatively unnoticed but for the unceremonious dumping by the Gap, which announced Monday that Parker is being replaced by 17-year-old British singer Joss Stone as the clothing company's celebrity spokesmodel.

BTW, I LOVED SJP in Mars Attacks! CLASSIC movie... a must have for anyone who appreciates dark comedies.



  • She is so ABOVE the Gap anyways. I hope I never see her in an iPod ad. I don't want SJP to be a sell-out (though for $38M, I don't blame her... she's got a family to support).

    By Blogger YodaBeesh, at Wednesday, March 23, 2005 2:11:00 PM  

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