Warning: Your clever little blog could get you fired
Warning: Your clever little blog could get you fired (USAToday_061505)
Luckily, I have never talked sh*t on my current employer because in my book, they're alright. Every company has its flaws, but I also believe that your job is what you make of it. Its called WORK-LIFE BALANCE, b*tches!
I mean, look at me...I am a very extreme example. I don't do JACK. Someone once described me as "living the life of Riley." (I had to look that one up.) I work at home, make my own schedule, show up for the occasional client meetings (the rare instance you will EVER see me wear a tie), IM with my project team, and do my tasks like a good billable little consultant. In there, I fit naps, siestas, trips to the therapist, lunch with friends, errand-running, and the gym. My dog gets to hang out with me all day long. And my life is better for it. Granted, I'll never make partner or principal (nor do I have any desire to), but who cares! Sure, I might not be living up to my "capacity" or "potential", but that's my choice, right?
I can hear it now from the upper echelons in their Ivory Towers, "tsk tsk tsk... so much potential..."
My response to that: "Dude, go play with your kids or something. Go read a book. Go get laid bc you look like you're going to have an aneurysm. Go get some sunlight and shut off your cellphone for an hour. Don't feel compelled to check your vmail every 15 minutes because the world AIN'T gonna end. Oh, and BTW, if you even answer and/or continue that phone call or start an email while I'm talking to you, I am totally going to walk out on you. Also do us all a favor and shut off that f**king phone during a meal. There is a very rare chance that some major cataclysm is going to occur in the 20 minutes that you're woofing down your Value Meal. Show some respect for me and for yourself."