The World According to YodaBeesh

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Just can't get enough TERRI...

I don't know how, but this one totally slipped under the YodaBeesh radar screen due to recent events with the Pope (and my avoidance of being subject to anymore MSM). Let us not forget dear Terri Schiavo! She's ash now:

Schiavo cremated; feuding continues

Hey, did you know that there are websites out there that let you pick out cool creamation urns? YodaBeesh did not know that! Check out
Here's your "standard" urn:

But THIS is the one that I want for my YodaBeesh ashes when I get creamated. Its called the "Stone Temple Urn":

I should probably update my Will to reflect that, huh? DH and I are gonna have our ashes mixed together, and then scattered in a secret Beesh hiding place TBD.


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