The World According to YodaBeesh

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Post-Pope Play-by-Play

Its odd to open up this morning's NYT and have this as the first image pop out at you:

Amazing yet eerie how quickly the Vatican has laid his body out for state viewing already. I'll have to finish reading the DaVinci Code today <looks left and right suspiciously>. That image actually evoked memories from a saint that my family would visit in Philadelphia named St. John Neumann:

The Pope has that "most-likely-going-to-be-canonized-a-saint" quality to him, based on similarities I've seen between him and St. JN.

As a young YodaBeesh, the family would go to Mass at JN's crypt (right off of the Girard Ave. exit of I-95 in NE Philly). This guy's body is preserved in a tomb that also serves as the altar for Mass. And he is preserved sans embalming. (Not like Lenin, where he's pumped full of embalming and preserving fluids, and kept in some bizzare vacuum sealed chamber). Its one of many conditions for being canonized a saint: no decomposition of the body (usually some kind of fragrant scent involved); post-humous miracles by the "intercession" of the nominated-individual have been documented and validated by the Vatican; and a whole lot more. Its a cool, interesting, arcane, ritualistic process that's been held for thousands of years. Wow, my years of Catholic conditioning and indoctrination is resurfacing!

Speaking of "arcane", check this quote out from today's NYT:

After a doctor certifies his death, tradition calls for the Vatican camerlengo, Cardinal Eduardo Martinez Somalo, who will run the Vatican until a new pope is chosen, to call out his baptismal name three times. He then strikes the pope's forehead with a silver hammer to ensure he is dead. The hammer is then used to destroy the papal ring, the symbol of his authority.

Crazy, yet cool, huh?

Ugh... nasty thought just came into my mind. I betcha that CNN, the President, MSM are going to start all this talk about SAINTHOOD for PJPII, and then that will become some bizzare political driving factor for the canonization process. At least give time for the man's corpse to get cold...! Its just a YodaBeesh prediction, that's all.

Haven't made it to church this morning <shakes fist at clock>. Damn daylight savings time. Well, I still have the opportunity to go this afternoon/evening. To be continued...!


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