The World According to YodaBeesh

Monday, June 12, 2006

Part III: A Shoe Story, The Finale?

Ok, so I left you all hanging a couple weeks ago with my wracked shoe decision-making process. Anywhoie, to wrap that story up, I chose NONE of them.

Actually, I chose #2, the Tsubo Sycorax BWG.

Unfortunately, I didn't get them.

Why, you ask? Well, after I came to final decision, I went to place the order with Zappos, and they didn't have my size.


I took that as a sign that it wasn't meant to be. (I did hunt all over the web for the exact pair in my size, but I came up empty handed.) That's ok.

Oooh... there was one additional factor. I went out with friends to Halo the other weekend, and DTB just got a new pair of Adidas which were identical to the ones that I wanted (and actually cooler-looking) So therefore, I just couldn't get the Tsubos. Again, it was not meant to be.

Did I wind up getting anything? Yes.... I got a pair of Tsubos that I found on eBay for half the cost (btw, check out the seller TheShoePlanet on eBay... good cheap discontinued shoes.)

So, these should shut me up, for now...


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