The World According to YodaBeesh

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

UPDATE: Sunglasses FOUND!

MaddyBeesh has found my sunglasses!

They were in the garage in the recycling bin. Now I remember what happened.... (it would be good to refer to my previous posting re. my Volvo and mp3s and burning CDs):

Well, I accumulated a ton of unlabelled burned CDs in my car (I just burn CDs on the fly.) The pile of CDs finally reached critical mass, so I threw them all out ("off to the landfill with you...!") into the garbage can in my garage.

As I dumped the CDs into the trash can, some of the CDs overflowed into the recycling bin. As I leaned over into the recycling bin to retrieve the discs, my sunglasses must have fallen in there as well, and I didn't notice.

Anyways, I am very happy now :-) (though I was somewhat looking forward to trying on sunglasses at the mall.)

A very happy YodaBeesh with Ray Bans filling out Hello Kitty! journal in


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