The World According to YodaBeesh

Friday, August 18, 2006

Day of Beauty – Part I

On Thursday, I found myself with a free afternoon, and decided to indulge myself in a day of beauty: 1.5 hr massage and 1.5 hr facial. Total cost = $30. The previous day, I had passed the rather posh-looking spa as I walked home from the mall. I went in and booked the Thursday afternoon appointment.

Why not. I deserved it.

It was a very nice place… very “Elizabeth Arden Red Door”… and to allay your fears now, it wasn’t one of those seedy bang-bang-happy-ending type places ;-)

The facial was great. Not much to say there.

The massage was very intense. I told the masseuse that I enjoyed deep tissue massage and that I had a high threshold for pain. She really went to town on me, and it was fine.

Then she got to my upper back and shoulders… they were as solid as granite. I do have to admit that she really tried to get me to relax, but somehow I just couldn’t do it. There was a part of me that still “hung on”… so hard to explain. I just couldn’t let go and relax.

She REALLY dug into the muscles and tissues of my upper back and shoulders. I wanted to tell her that she’d need a meat tenderizer to relieve those muscles, but somehow I don’t think that she’d get the joke.

Anyway, she made a valiant effort of getting me to relax. She really tried to work out all of the knots and tight muscles in my back. I felt badly… as if I weren’t cooperating. As if I intentionally frustrated and resisted her. Oh well, she tried her best.


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