The World According to YodaBeesh

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Day 13 - Visiting Lexber

JoJo and Tess took me to my mom's place in Lexber to see how things were going there. Its actually a cute little place in the middle of no where (see pics.) Its a subdivision that is built in the middle of a huge rice field.

It had that dank smell... you could tell that no one had been there for awhile. There were newspapers on the table from 2004, there was dust everywhere, and it just felt empty, yet cluttered. Really cluttered. Upstairs were stacks of shoeboxes with brand new unworn shoes (and you wonder where I get the shoe-bug from...) In her closet were many beautiful blouses and shirts with the tags still on them. Some boxes contained stacks of VCDs and CDs still in their original wrapping. Unwatched. Untouched. Weird.

I also noticed this weird stack of little red baskets. I picked up one of the baskets, flipped it over and read the label "Jollibee" on the bottom. So now I could add "collecting fast-food baskets" to the list of mom's compulsions. You do have to laugh at these kinds of things.

Mom's typical day consisted of spending most of the day at her house alone in Lexber. What she did there was beyond any of us. I could surmise that she probably just slept and watched cable TV. Then, she would return to the house in Cabanatuan at night to sleep in her bedroom. I kidded around to the others that the Lexber house was mom's clubhouse. Her retreat. Her treehouse. I could empathize with that, I suppose. No harm done.

JoJo and his son Mackie, fixed the leaky sink in the comfort room. Tess swept the floors and and tables for dust, dirt, cobwebs. I went through mom's closets to pick out clothes to bring to her at the hospital.

So now I knew where mom hung out all the time. I felt content.

We returned to the house in Cabanatuan; my aunt wanted to go to the capital city of Palayan for the afternoon. I wasn't really in the mood for sight-seeing or walking around. I had a headache and it was siesta time. So, I snuck away from everyone else and took a nap in the AC'd comfort of my guest room.

I woke up later in the afternoon feeling a little hungry, so I took a tricycle to Megacenter, another mall in town. I remembered that there was a cybercafe there, found it, and did the email thing. Then I hit the food court for some diniguan (go ahead an wiki/google the term), some weird bitter veggie, and rice (of course.)

I felt full afterwards and decided to walkto the tindahan (family bookstore.) I seemed to lose my bearings and found myself closer to the house, so I just wound up walking home. I think I was covered with a layer of dust and soot after my "refreshing walk." There were tons of tricycles, mopeds, and jeepneys out and about. You take your life into your own hands when walking. There really aren't any set of "be-kind-to-pedestrian"-type rules.

So I'm going to settle in for the evening. I'm going to pop in V for Vendetta and then hit the sack.



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