The World According to YodaBeesh

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Day 7 - Mood Swinging

(I can't believe its been 1 week since I left the US...)

Today's visit kind of sucked and it was a short one. Mom was in a bad mood today and visibly irritated with me. I didn't go to the embassy as promised (I'm actually surprised that she remembered talking about this) so she went off on a rant about my not-being-able-to-follow-instructions. So I calmly asked her for instructions to which she became further agitated (she couldn't answer me as I suspected.)

Then the conversation turned to "what's new?" I came up with stuff...just my activities from the previous day and this clearly wasn't what she wanted to hear. So, I started talking about the news. Again, not what she wanted to hear. She'd toss her head in disgust and roll her eyes.

What a contrast to yesterday's visit which was quite pleasant. Welcome to the world of mood swings. I wondered to myself if she had taken her meds in the morning. I wasn't quite sure what triggered this swing, but I guess it doesn't require anything at all. At least she was emoting anger as opposed to no affect at all.

In an interesting experiment, I asked her if she wanted me to leave to which she said yes. I wonder how she'll be tomorrow. In a weird way I was punishing her by cutting the visit short. Now i'll see how she reacts to it (if she does at all.)

I went to see her doctor's secretary after my visit to settle the professional fees. This is actually turning out to be quite complicated. Its a cash-only system. No credit cards here. Ugh. So, I will have to go to a bank and do a massive cash advance since the ATMs limit the amount you can withdraw each day. Pain in my ass. When I paid her accrued hospital fees the other day, I had so many peso-bills that I had to wrap it in a rubber-band. Oh well, I knew that nothing would be easy on this trip.

I took a cab to another touristy neighborhood for dinner last night (Malate.) Went to a restaurant recommended by Lonely Planet but I thought that it was mediocre at best. I wandered the area afterwards (lots of bars and outdoor cafes) and came across a restaurant recommended by a friend. Its called something weird like House of Hobbits. All of the servers are dwarves. I'll definitely check it out at some point.

I interacted with some Americans at starbucks this morning. One guy had a Ron Jon backpack so I asked him if he had been surfing around the PI (he hadn't.) Turns out he was with a group of missionaries and he was originally from VA Beach and his sister lived in Fairfax. Small world. Since they were missionaries, I figured that they weren't so much into the local bar scene, so I bid them all a pleasant adieu.


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