The World According to YodaBeesh

Friday, August 04, 2006

Day 4 - Filipino Taxi Drivers piss me off

After a morning of running around doing stupid errands, I discovered that the day was quickly getting away from me. So, around 14:30 today, I finally got my act together to go to the hospital to visit my mom.

That didn't happen.

It was impossible to wave down a taxi. I must have stopped at least 4-5 different taxis. When I told them that I wanted to go to "UST (Univ of Santo Tomas) Hospital EMERGENCY ROOM", they waved me off and said no. Could you imagine if I really DID have to go to the ER? WTF.

I didn't understand why and just wanted to start waving US dollars in the air (great way to grab good and bad attention around here.)

I think it might have to do with rush hour; traffic was already pretty congested and at that point it probably would have taken me a good hour to get to the hospital. I felt pretty frustrated and disappointed. I've been in the country for 2 days now and still haven't been to the hospital to see my mom. I felt really shitty.

So instead, I walked to the Starbucks down the street, bought a french press coffee carafe and a half-pound of Sumatra coffee, and headed back to the hotel room in defeat. (To this point, I had been relegated to using sugary instant coffee packets that were already premixed with sugar and cremora. Ick.)

Tomorrow is another day. I won't beat myself up too much over today.


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