The World According to YodaBeesh

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

This Week's Anti-Climactic American Idol Finale

How could I ever forget to post something as crucial as my take on this year's AI?

Well, for me, it was over after Chris Daughtry was eliminated (hope he can still provide for those kids of his...). After that, I could give a rat's a**.

Anywhoie, I dug around for some interesting crap on tonight's AI and found out that Katherine and Taylor are re-doing songs from earlier in the season, and then two new songs. (yawn) Oh, and Katherine will sing first tonight.

Check it out: Expect retreads on American Idol finale ( 05232006)

Katherine reminds me of Posh Spice with baby fat, and Taylor just reminds me of fat. He has the weirdest contorted looks on his face... as if he's been constipated for many weeks.

My guess is that Taylor will win, and he will join the forgotten ranks of Ruben, Clay, Justin Guarini, and Diana DeGarmo. I'm sure that once he's signed away his life to Simon Cowell's management company that he'll spend a lot more time on the treadmill (fingers crossed!)

Katherine will be singing at her new job at Busch Gardens just in time for season opening on Memorial Day (with shows at 1:15, 3:15, and 5:30 behind the seal aquarium.)

I really hope that Goat Boy Elliot will get his teeth fixed and his jaw re-set.

Good luck to tonight's finalists!


  • Beesh I saw Diana DeGarmo perform in Hairspray this past weekend in NYC, she was great!! Yes, I hope Taylor wins tomorrow, I know you nick named him fatty, but he has an unique sense of style and voice, I like him! xoxo, Kweenbeesh

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 23, 2006 7:13:00 PM  

  • I recently saw a "What ever Happened To..." Idols story and she was included. I'm glad that she's on Broadway! Good for her. My message to Diana: "INVEST, INVEST, INVEST. Oh, and please finish that HS degree, honey. If you want to be a good fag-hag in training, hang out with KweenBeesh and Frenchie."

    By Blogger YodaBeesh, at Wednesday, May 24, 2006 8:01:00 AM  

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