The World According to YodaBeesh

Friday, June 10, 2005

The YIE: Scoping out Places

Hey folks... sorry no YIB news yesterday. I actually had to do some "work" .

First off, huge props to my boy Jules across the Big Pond. My first investor. He' s the best and we go way back to some seriously screwed up shared-Corporate America experiences (which drove us both over the edge). Thx for the ink encouragement, Jules!

I am planning on scoping out a few tattoo parlors today. First off will be JinxProof down in Georgetown (http://jinxprooftattoos). Great place, well-reputed. They actually did my nipple ring some time ago and made an extremely painful experience very plesant for me with their bedside manner. I'm kinda skeptical about pricing since I'm sure it will be a lil' more expensive due to the G-town location, but who knows. These guys have been written up in Tattoo Magazine. Other friends have had good experiences there as well, but I think those were for piercings.

Afterwards, I'll be checking out the two local ones in FFX. There is one that I always pass by on the way to the gym (gotta get those shoulders huge...): Marlowe's Inks in the quaint City of Fairfax: ( The site is still kinda under construction, the art gallery is standard, but I still would like to see what its all about.

The last one I will check out is Patriots Tattoo (the one from my "weird omen" posting the other day): Since I ment them under omen-like circumstances, they are a definite "must-visit".

When I go today, I'll bring my camera with me, take some shots, and let you know how things go.


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