I was thinking YodaBeesh, I was checking out sources of info on the coolest kid in the world and I stumbled across your post about this post that you have a great site here. I'm personally working hard at developing an online business around the coolest kid in the world and I'd like to share this site with some of my own subscribers. Thanks for letting me stop by YodaBeesh...I'll be back.
Guaranteed to add at LEAST 40% more value to your day! DISCLAIMER: This blog is not for the faint-hearted. You put yourself at risk from reading an entry and saying such phrases as "Holy SH*T! Did he say that?!" or "OMG, that is just so fcuking WRONG." Don't say I didn't warn you.
I am known as the YodaBeesh for being all-knowing. The title was bestowed upon me by The Royal Family of Beesh.
My primary mission is to provide STR8-UP and "in-your-face" social commentary. My secondary mission is to practice unlicensed therapy.
I've been known to make people cry, add value, and live the Life of Riley.
I was thinking YodaBeesh, I was checking out sources of info on the coolest kid in the world and I stumbled across your post about this post that you have a great site here. I'm personally working hard at developing an online business around the coolest kid in the world and I'd like to share this site with some of my own subscribers. Thanks for letting me stop by YodaBeesh...I'll be back.
Anonymous, at Monday, January 23, 2006 12:55:00 AM
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