The World According to YodaBeesh

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Strike! Bethesda and A Happy Birthday to RB

So I get this last-minute-Evite in my inbox over the weekend to celebrate RB's 35th birthday in style: Tuesday night bowling at Strike! Bethesda. I have to admit, I was skeptical for a number of reasons:

  • Bowling is certainly not one of my strong points
  • I have issues with the whole concept of bowling shoes and foot hygiene
  • From past experience, all bowling alleys have this weird not-so-pleasant smell to them
  • It was a school night (Tuesday)

For RB, I would forgo my issues. Besides, the laundry list of invitees ensured a good time (and it certainly was an enjoyable time!)

If you're ever in the mood to do some metrosexual bowling, Strike! Bethesda is certainly the place to go. Good food, even better cocktail menu, great clean atmosphere, pleasant staff, good music, and some seriously hi-tech bowling. I come from the old school where you'd have to actually do math to keep track of one's score. These days, its all AUTOMATED. What will they come up with next? The bowling shoes were tolerable as they all looked like last season's Steve Madden's. Plus, there wasn't a noticeable "funk" in the air.

I've seen this place on CNN numerous times, especially during the past election season, whenever they would need a sampling of metrosexual opinions on such hot topics as Social Security, Medicare, blahblahblah.

Anywhoie, it was a fun gaggle of friends, old and new, to celebrate another year of aging (like a fine wine) for our dear RB. Special Props to SB and CH for organizing the event.

Strike! Bethesda = highly recommended as a fun alternative activity (plus they have a stocked bar, which definitely adds value to any experience.).


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