The World According to YodaBeesh

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Woman Gets $45,000 Verdict After Dog Kills Cat

I came across this one this morning and it struck a chord with YB.

Woman Gets $45,000 Verdict After Dog Kills Cat (AP 05092005)
SEATTLE -- A Seattle man calls a $45,000 verdict against him and his dog "absolutely crazy."

Let's just say that many moons ago, I used to have a cat and dog that lived together in peace (somewhat). Anywhoie, one morning, I woke up to a cat without a tail (he was still alive). Apparently, the dog bit off and ate the cat's tail (which the dog subsequently pooped out.) After hundreds of dollars of vet bills, the cat is ok. He now lives safely with my dad in Philly. We still have the dog, Mirko, and have forgiven him of all trespasses.


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