The World According to YodaBeesh

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

So much news!

OH gosh... where to start? I wouldn't have so much to blab about if BLOGGER was working yesterday . Bygones. Here we go!

The Pope gets a feeding tube

Irony of IRONIES. So many directions to go with the commentary on this. I am so sure they will NOT be pulling the feeding tube on him (haha... had to throw that low-blow in). The cruelest twist of fate would be if he were to become incapacitated from his decision-making capabilities and had to rely on his feeding tube to stay alive. The DaVinci Code is really fueling my inherent suspicion towards the Vatican. Anyhow, the timing could not have been more perfect.

Johnnie Cochran 1937 - 2005

I do have to say that I thought the man was a sleazeball when I watched the OJ Simpson trial. Total sleazeball. Perhaps brilliant lawyer. These days, I've seen him on all these TV ads for his law firm. So it came to a huge surprise to me that he passed away yesterday!!!! WOW. Anyhow, like I said, I used to think he was a slimeball... anyone associated with OJ was a scumsucker in my eyes; but that was 10 years ago. Cochran has a great trial history, and he's done a lot of good things. I remember seeing him on Larry King quite some time ago (I'm sure they'll replay it on CNN), and he just seemed a lot more human to me.

The Terri Schaivo Saga Continues....

The parents have filed yet ANOTHER appeal (this is day 13 sans feeding tube for the lamb). For the love of GOD... I thought that over the weekend they said that they were done with all the appealing! Anyhow, the new thingie is the restriction of Communion to Terri... basically a head-on clash of the Catholic Church and the US Judicial System. This is getting pretty desperate... just when you think they've exhausted every avenue, GUESS WHAT! Yet another APPEAL! Ugh. And I quote from the WP:

Supporters of the Schindlers accused the courts of infringing on Schiavo's religious freedom, saying, as they have before, that "God's law should supersede man's law." "What court really has the authority to tell someone they can't have a religious rite?" said Paul O'Donnell, a Franciscan friar who has been a constant presence at the side of Schiavo's mother, Mary Schindler.

Did I mention that this is Day 13 for Terri without a feeding tube? tick-tock-tick-tock

More on the Terri front: Enter Jesse Jackson!

Ever heard the term "jumping the shark"? It usually pertains to TV shows: there is some pivotal moment when you just KNOW that the show is going downhill. Best example is the introduction of OLIVER to the Brady Bunch. Anyhow, you know that a situation is gonna go down hill when Jesse Jackson feels the need to become involved. Where do I start with him: his presidential runs, protests at Vieques, his meeting with Saddam to circumvent the war, various other random-ass acts of civil disobedience... <sigh> Why the fuck does he need to get all involved with every cause celebre? I mean, this really reinforces the fact that he's a grub seeking PR. What an odd combo... the Schindler family and Jesse Jackson. Somehow I highly doubt that they solicited his help.

Dude, give it up. You've got some issues of your own to resolve. Help yourself before you help others. What issues do I speak of, my friends? Adultery, bastard child, anti-semitism, drug-dealing son... check it out here: Jesse's Skeleton Closet. Yeah, baby!

Falwell could be joining Cochran!

Fatwell is in the hospital being treated for pneumonia. He's labelled as being in "critical condition." Babygirl even went into respiratory arrest on Tuesday. Wowzers. And of course, since we're playing the "Six Degrees of Terri Schaivo", Weezer had to get his two cents in on CNN by comparing his bout with Ms. Schaivo:

In his Easter Sunday televised sermon and in a CNN appearance that same day, the Rev. Jerry Falwell compared his recent bout with viral pneumonia to Terri Schiavo's condition.

I have a personal message to Jerry: "Sweetheart, Jesus is calling you home. Get off the feeding tube (oh wait, that's the pope). I hope that your earthly kingdom continues making Lynchburg Lemonade. It brings so much joy to fellow homosexuals and alcoholics..."

Whew... more news!

Ex-Scout Leader Faces Child Porn Charges
Fuckin' sleazebag. Ok first off... the Boy Scouts of America (like the Catholic Church) are a hypocrisy; they condemn things (such as homosexuality) as "immoral", yet they harbor these fucking kiddie porn purveyors and child molesters? Hey, here's a hint... fix yourself <insert organization name here> before preaching to everyone else about MORALS. I just don't get it. I had this awesome kooky professor in undergrad who equated the BSA to the fascist organizations of the 1930s amd 40s (think, Hitler Youth Corps). Check it here: Characteristics of Fascist Organizations. Actually you could take these characteristics and apply them to many organizations (ie, US military forces, etc...).

I will always harbor resentment towards the BSA: I never made it past the Cub Scouts WEBLO (eww... I just realized that can be interpreted as "we blow"...). And I always hated the uniforms and never won the Pinewood Derby ...


  • Actually, the best example of "jumping the shark" comes from "Happy Days" when Fonzie... um... jumped a shark.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Wednesday, March 30, 2005 10:50:00 AM  

  • That's a good one. Introduction of any random ass character (Leo DiCaprio to Growing Pains; Oliver to Brady Bunch; some random black girl/niece to the Cosby Show; the little mophead to Family Ties; multiple mopheads to Gimme a Break...) typically marks the beginning of the end.

    By Blogger YodaBeesh, at Wednesday, March 30, 2005 1:56:00 PM  

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