The World According to YodaBeesh

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Confessions of a CNN Junkie

I admit it. I'm a CNN junkie. I always have it on. I might be putzing around doing something, but CNN just plays in the background. Its kind of addicting. As a matter of fact, I'm watching Inside Politics right now, and Candy Crowely is standing in for good ol' Judy Woodruff. She kinda looks like Carnie Wilson, right?

Serrusly, I do like Candy-girl. She was all over the place with the presidential campaign. She also dresses very smartly... sticks with dark solids (looks more slimming).

I don't think that Bill Hemmer is all that. Lately, I've actually had A LOT of issues with his shirts. Check it out next time. He wears these white dress shirts with blue stripes... and the stripes look like they've been taped on. He likes that shirt a lot and wears it at least twice a week. He looks really smart with his glasses, but I think that he'd really benefit from Lasix.

I love the rest of the morning crew on CNN : Jack Cafferty, Soledad O'Brien, Carol Costello, and Chad Myers. Jack just CRACKS ME UP bc he can be really bitter, cynical, and opinionated.

OOOhhh there's also that hottie Rob Marciano: He is REALLY YUMMY. I call him "Arnold's lil' brother" bc he reminds me of a hot-looking Arnold Schwarznegger (I don't think that Arnold is hot, btw)

Of course, my all-time favorite is Anderson Cooper. Where to start? Dashing, intelligent, salt-n-pepper hair, good skin. I bet he would be sooo much fun to pound back a few martinis at G or Therapy. Word on the street is that he's a rice queen, but I've only heard that from a friend of a friend of a friend... one could only hope! I hope that his show Anderson Cooper 360 sticks around. I had this really big fear that it was gonna be replaced by Nancy Grace's show, but luckily she has some primetime slot at Headline News.

You know what... I actually kinda like Nancy Grace! She is just soooooo CRAZY and outspoken and a complete drama queen. I love it. She had a horrible tragedy (her husband was murdered) and that's why she went into law. There's this cute boy-analyst that she always steamrolls over... I forget his name... Chris something or other...brown hair. Oh, he's adorable!

Let's see who else... I haven't seen a lot of John King lately. I think he must be chilling out or something. Has anyone seen him out and about in DC? He makes my radar go off... I mean, serrusly, look at his perfectly coiffed hair!

Well, that's my commentary re. CNN. All opinions are welcome. I'm sure that I've overlooked a lot of peeps.


  • Nancy Grace is a crazy gash who looks like she has serious case of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). I think her mother must have hit the bottle every day for months while Nancy was in utero...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Wednesday, March 30, 2005 6:29:00 PM  

  • Thanks, "kind reader" (as NG would say) for your feedback. I'll make sure to let NG know. If you weren't anonymous, I'm sure that NG would personally castrate/give you a hysterectomy so fast that it would make your head spin. Most importantly... does anyone know the name of that yummy CHRIS guy-analyst that she ALWAYS rips to shreds? I dunno how he puts up with it (he's so CUTE). I hope they aren't fucking.

    By Blogger YodaBeesh, at Thursday, March 31, 2005 7:03:00 AM  

  • I heard that Novak gives good head when he removes his "bridge"... I think I saw him once at the Sears bathroom in Seven Corners....

    By Blogger YodaBeesh, at Friday, April 01, 2005 5:27:00 PM  

  • Dear Kind Reader. I can appreciate your comments. I don't know why they feel the need to clutter up Headline News with crap. I think that they ran out of time slots on CNN. Alas, I still do hold a torch for Nancy Grace in my heart. She reminds me of the character played by Joan Cusack in Addams Family Values... DEBBIE.

    I fully hold AOL responsible for this mess. They are the offspring of the devil.

    By Blogger YodaBeesh, at Monday, April 18, 2005 3:38:00 PM  

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